formerly Integromat


Make (formerly Integromat) is a no-code automation platform that allows users to design visual workflows (called ‘scenarios’) that can help automate processes across thousands of apps. This article will walk through the necessary steps to integrate Make with Documint, creating a scenario that will monitor a data source and automatically merge and store documents.


To follow along with this guide you will need the following:

  1. Make Account (create a free account)

  2. Google Account

  3. Documint Account

Make Setup


Within Make, we will create an example scenario with the following modules:

  • Google Forms - Action: Watch responses

    • We will use Google Forms as our data source for this example. In your case, you will probably connect to a CRM-like application (ie. or HubSpot).

  • Documint - Action: Create a Document

    • Merge submitted form data into a Documint template

  • HTTP - Action: Get a file from a URL

    • Then, retrieve the PDF file created by Documint

  • Google Drive - Action: Upload a file

IMPORTANT - The URL link from the Documint step will expire after 24 hours so it's ESSENTIAL that you save the PDF to a storage location like Google drive

  • Finally, upload the merged PDF document into a Google Drive folder.

Create a Documint Template

The first step is to create and complete a template in Documint that will have variables to map with data from your desired data source. To learn how to create a template, try out the Designing a Template walkthrough.

In this example, we created a simple information card template, called ‘Make Test,’ that maps basic information like Name, Age, and Gender from a Google Form submission. The template variables have already been created. These will be mapped to the Google Form data columns later.

Create a Google Form

If you are following this walkthrough, create a simple form using Google Forms. The Google Form example below is a survey of first name, last name, age, and gender. It will record responses in a spreadsheet in Google Drive.

Create Scenario in Make

Add Google Forms Module

Go to your Make account and click ‘Create a new scenario’ on the top-right of the screen. A scenario typically begins with a trigger. In this example, the scenario will trigger on the submission of a Google Form.

Click the + button and search for the module called ‘Google Forms’ and select it.

Select the trigger: Watch Responses. This will automatically check for new Google Forms submissions.

In the trigger form, fill out the following fields:

  1. Connection: Add a connection from Make to your existing Google account if one does not already exist.

  2. Spreadsheet: Select the spreadsheet which the responses will populate. For this example, the spreadsheet is called ‘Make Test (Responses)’

  3. Sheet: The sheet where the data is stored is called ‘Form Responses 1’ by default, select that one.

  4. Limit: Set the response limit to 1 because Documint will take in data from Google Forms one row at a time.

  5. Click OK to complete the module configuration.

Add Documint Module

Now, add a Documint module to the Google Forms one, click the + button to the right to add a new module then search for Documint and select it when it appears.

Then select the ‘Create a document’ action. With this action, Documint takes in mapped data and generates a PDF document.

If this is the first time integrating the Documint module on Make, you will first need to add a new connection. This will need a Documint API key. To make a new API key, follow the short guide below:

Create a New Connection in Make

In your Documint account, navigate to the settings panel on left-hand menu, and then navigate to the Integrations tab within settings.

Create a new API Key by clicking the ‘New Api Key’ button and giving it a name, such as ‘New Make Key.’

Click create, and then make sure to copy the displayed key before closing the window.

Return to your Make scenario, where you selected the Documint module and the ‘Create a document’ action. Then add a new connection, give it your own name, and paste the API key you just copied from Documint. Click save and if it was successful, the next form fields should appear once the account is synced.

Fill out the following fields:

  1. Template: Select the Documint template that will integrate with Make data. In this case, the existing template we made is called ‘Make Test.’

  2. For each of the subsequent variable names, we will map the Google Form column that corresponds to the variable by clicking on the purple column name that matches each variable name.

    • For example, the first_name variable in Documint maps with ‘First Name (B)’ (as in, Column B titled First Name) in the Google Forms response spreadsheet, and so on. Refer to the image below for example mappings.

  3. Select OK once all the fields are mapped.

Now that a properly mapped document will be generated, we will retrieve it and store it in Google Drive.

Add HTTP Module

To retrieve the file, add an HTTP module clicking the + button on the right of the Documint module and searching ‘HTTP.’

Select ‘Get a file’ as the action. This action will retrieve the PDF file that Documint generates by going to the URL where it is hosted and downloading it.

Select the data to map to the URL: Click ‘File URL’ under the Documint data objects to map that particular data (the URL of where the merged Documint file is located.) to the URL to fetch a file from. Click OK to complete the HTTP module.

Add Google Drive Module

IMPORTANT - The URL link from the Documint step will expire after 24 hours so it's ESSENTIAL that you save the PDF to a storage location like Google drive

The last module in our Make scenario will store the merged document in Google Drive. Click the add module button on the right of the HTTP module and search for Google Drive.

Then select the action: Upload a File. This action will upload the retrieved PDF file to a designated Google Drive folder.

Fill out the form to configure the Google Drive location where you want the files to be uploaded:

  1. Enter a Folder ID: Choose ‘Select from the list’ to be able to select the Google Drive folder from a drop-down menu.

  2. New Drive Location: Choose the Drive where the file is located. In this case it is in ‘My Drive’

  3. New Folder Location: Navigate the drop-down menu to select a folder for uploading documents. Click the + button to select folders within folders. In this case, the selected location is My Drive > Integrations > Make > Documents.

  4. File: Make sure the File is sourced from the action of the previously made module, HTTP - Get a File, and then click OK to complete the module and the scenario.

Test the Scenario

Now we can test the scenario out by submitting a form entry through the Google Forms survey and then clicking ‘Run once’ in Make.

If it was successful, you should see a file such as the example one below automatically uploaded into your designated Google Drive location.

It works! Now the scenario can be scheduled to run periodically to capture and merge documents from all incoming Google Form responses. For information on scheduling, visit the help page on Make.

Here's a video walk-through of using and Google sheets to create line items in your documents

Last updated